Field beans

Conventional varieties ⇓

Low Vicine/Convicine varieties ⇓

Winter field bean varieties ⇓


Conventional varieties:

GENIUS - Concentrated knowledge for high profitability.

  • Very high grain yield potential, with medium TGW.
  • Low susceptibility to Botrytis.
  • Longer plant type with improved stability and higher set pods.
  • Certified-seed expected to be available for sowing 2025.

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LYNX - The UK's number 1 choice due to excellent downy mildew resistance.

  • High grain and protein yield potential, with easy to handle TKW.
  • Very high resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora).
  • Very high standability at harvest.

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TRUMPET - Small grain, big yield for improved profitability.

  • Convincing and long-term yield stability on farms and official trials.
  • Small grain weight.
  • Medium – high protein content.
  • Very good lodging resistance.

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Low VicinE/ConvicinE varieties:

IRONlvc - Outstanding plant health and stability.

  • High yield potential allows for high to very high protein yields.
  • Good shattering resistance, low-loss harvest.
  • Good resistance to Botrytis and rust.
  • Certified-seed expected to be available for sowing 2025.

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HAMMERlvc - High-yielding new registration with a compact crop.

  • Excellent harvestability thanks to shorter plants and low brackling tendency.
  • High grain and protein yield potential.
  • High-performance agronomic package: plant health + shorter growth type..
  • Genetically secured lvc quality for a universal use in animal feed and human consumption.
  • Certified-seed is expected to be available for sowing 2025.

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FUTURAlvc - With lvc quality into the future of utilisation diversity.

  • High to very high protein yield.
  • Significantly reduced vicine/convicine content enables higher proportions in the feed ration of poultry and pigs and also makes FUTURAlvc attractive for human consumption.
  • Longer plant type with higher set pods ensures low-loss harvesting.
  • Certified-seed is expected to be available for sowing 2025.

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TIFFANYlvc - First choice in Germany for human plate and animal tray.

  • Most important variety in the low vicine/convicine segment.
  • High Protein Yield.
  • Largest multiplication area (organic and conventional) in 2023 in Germany.
  • Best suitability for livestock feeding and food processing.

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ALLISONlvc - Earlier flowering and maturity for an early harvest.

  • Good yield production.
  • Compact growth type and earlier maturity.
  • Low vicine/convicine content ideally suited for animal feeding (especially poultry) but also interesting for human consumption.
  • Good plant health – confirmed low susceptibility to rust and Botrytis.

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VICTUSlvc - Robust performance for broad added commercial value.

  • Site-adapted good yield potential with favorable agronomy characteristics.
  • Compact growth type with high lodging resistance.
  • Low vicine/convicine quality is well suited for animal feed and human consumption.
  • Rapid youth development and earlier maturity compared to other varieties.

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BOLIVIAlvc - Healthy growth meets high protein content.

  • High yield potential & above-average protein yield.
  • Low vicine/convicine content ideally suited for animal feeding (especially poultry) but also interesting for human consumption.
  • Low TGW.
  • Early flowering and mid-early maturity, compact type.

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Winter field bean varieties:

AUGUSTA - A match for winter.

  • Alternative in regions with risk of early summer drought.
  • Proven winter hardiness in all locations.
  • Mid-high grain and protein yield.
  • Compact growth type with high lodging resistance for low-loss harvest.

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